…“I’m more aware of my analytics on story and how I’m doing individually – which is stressful at times.” A Baltimore Sun respondent spoke approvingly of the use of Search…
Search Results for: do_search.php
Newsletter: Could a Pulitzer do it?
…staged a sick-out this month to protest the appointment of a new CEO by the organization’s board of directors. After promising to conduct a transparent, nationwide CEO search, the board failed…

Los Angeles Times goes on strike today
…road map for revenue growth and not just cost reductions. MORE GUILD INPUT: We want ownership to convene a search and selection committee for the next executive editor which includes…

The NewsGuild Launches ‘Save The News’ Advocacy Campaign
…in search of accurate, up-to-the-minute information about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting their communities. Those journalists who remain have been hard at work providing life-saving public health information to…

Staffers at RAICES TEXAS are unionizing
…search for immigrants’ rights, worker rights are just as valid and necessary to help us continue the important labor that we do as RAICES – especially – now, at such…

Atlantic Digital Producers are unionizing
…is preparing articles and multimedia content for online readers. They design the visual flow of stories, create graphics for social media, craft headlines, optimize content for search engines and curate…

Digital Producers at the Atlantic Digital Optimization Team Win Union Vote
…for search engines and curate news through social media, and deliver alerts and newsletters. They announced they were forming a union in early June. “Building worker power in the Gannett…

Guild loses a hero: Hannah Jo Rayl
…solid rudder,” said Anna Padia, who followed Rayl as the Guild’s Human Rights Coordinator. “Her legacy in search of justice and equality for newspaper workers lives on in us. Her…
Resolution 2023: Standing for press freedom and democratic sovereignty against Big Tech abuses
…our journalism on major services such as Facebook, Instagram and Google Search. These companies and their executives not only donate generously to politicians’ election campaigns, but also give extensive grants…

California’s Journalists Call on Google to Stop Silencing Journalism on Their Platform
…in California, Google news executive Richard Gingras testified to Committee Chair Sen. Tom Umberg that Google had ‘no desire to stop including news in Search.’ Given today’s events, obviously Google’s…